Liverbird on my chest

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Say Something? Write Something?

Don't say something for the sake of saying. The same goes to writing. Don't write for the sake of a blog update. Write when you feel like writing, write what you feel and not write because you are obliged to do it. Writing should be free and easy like the wind, swirl where ever we want and not being put in a situation where we are forced to crack our damn brains just to produce a writing. Maybe I look at things differently because I'm writing for myself to read, but some are writing for others to read. To be fair to others I cant judge the contents / message that others are trying to convey.

Looking back at the my writings in the past, writing a blog is like writing a diary but somehow now I feel different about writing. Writing is suppose to be meaningful, like giving a life to words, and not telling the world what I ate for dinner LOL. That shows how far I have come in terms of maturity, I guess? Probably I might still have a wee bit of contradiction in me that will always be me, can't really change the nature of a person. So the next time if I ever write what I ate last night, I hope by re-reading this post it will shed some light to me that as far as I've moved forward in my life, I "can" still fall backwards.

I think I'm really contradicting myself.

You see the key word is "CAN". I can choose to or choose not to. It's a choice. It's an option.

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