Liverbird on my chest

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hot N Cold

Cuz you're Hot and you're Cold,
You're In and you're Out,
You're Up and you're Down,
You're Wrong when it's Right,
It's Black when it's White,
You Stand when I Sit,
You Laugh when I Cry,
You Run while I Walk,
You Drink while I Eat,
You Kick when I Punch,
You Think when I Dream,
You Smile while I Frown,
You Squat while I Jump,
You Scream while I Whisper,
You're Young while I'm Old,
You're Serious while I'm Chilled,
You're Cute while I'm Not,
You're Smart while I'm Ngog,
You're Everything while I'm Nothing,
You Cook I'll Eat,
You Talk I'll Shut...

1 comment:

AJ said...

What kind of lyrics is this?!! Hahaha!! Obviously my fav line is the one with your nickname in it - NGOG! hahahaha!!! :D