A Mistake May Be The One Thing Necessary To A Worthwhile Achievement

Liverbird on my chest
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dreams II
- Fetched both of Jas's sisters while she was driving with her mom as we headed for dinner at some place. I remember overtaking her car and laughing at her. LOL
- And for the first time, her family members appeared in my dreams and for the first time her dad(deceased) appeared as well.
- I parked my car quite far away from some restaurant. And her dad asked me why parked so far and then realised I wasn't some member who can bribe those JPA people to park right in front of the restaurant. (That's very lame)
- Her dad's colleagues and workers were present too.
- Then for all I know, I was in some room in an airport, filling up forms after forms before departure. I only notice non-Malaysians walking in and out of that room. I think I was with friends, nothing to do with Jas.
- I was off to Slovakia/Slovenia
- WTH???
Very weird! Twice! Two nights in a row!! Why is this happening to me? Is it an indication? I really don't know...
Monday, November 24, 2008
- We entered a biology room somewhere in Monash, and together we saw piles of toad's brains, intestines, livers, hearts, etc all separated/removed from their body and placed categorised-ly on some big table. Ew! and I can still feel the scent coming from that room! I don't know why in the blue hell my smelling senses could work eventhough it is a dream! Seeing, listening and feeling will be present, no doubt but smell? Call me weird! Seriously I've no idea!
- After the room, we were supposed to cross a bridge over to some park that looks like Bukit Jalil park! Sunway and Bukit Jalil connected by a bridge! Joke of the day! Please just bear with me =) Anyway, while I was about to go downstairs to cross the road over to the other side, Jas stopped me and said " Doink! up here! there's a bridge we can use to get across faster!". She opened this labelless door and there's a bridge! Not sure it's indoor or outdoor bridge though, =P
- After we crossed, we walked along some path looking at sceneries before we got into the car, meaning we parked the car at Bukit Jalil and cross the bridge to get to Monash -_- Soon we saw a bunch of people like somewhat running away from something! TRUE enough they were running away, from MONKS! LOL. You know, those CONMEN MONKS who CON everyone they see? And they were very near our car so we rushed into our car surrounded by them, got in fast, locked and drove off!!! HAHA!!
That's all I could recall throughout the entire 9 hours of sleep. LOL. If it's not for my bro who woke me up, I would have continued my dream! HAHA! I was listening to I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith and it totally reminded me of Jas(Miss ya!=p) and Blades of Glory!! Damn funny and Gay movie!!
"Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart, My Love for You, Shall Never Part"
I will always keep this piece of heart-shaped paper of love, given and written by Jas quite some time ago, in my wallet, also given by Jas. =p
So much for now! I have to go brush! LOL. You see, I just got up and here I am hogging my laptop =p
Thursday, November 20, 2008
So Much, Too Much
By the way, I HAVE to put on my RM200 glasses when I drive at night, when I'm using the PC and when I'm watching the TV. So Pathetic! But what can I do? I don't want my asthmatism to get from bad to worse. And sad to say, due to some memory card error, I was unable to load pictures into my computer. So some ideas, thoughts, and pictures(of me in specs for the first time in history) will be uploaded another time.
I had torn my hamstring(muscle at the back of leg), according to my coach. The agonising pain around that area lasted for 1 week after some footwork training the week before.I couldn't even sleep and sit in peace because the muscle is situation near my butt. LOL. I had to put ice on it, hoping that it would heal faster but as I felt better, I got another injury. This time it's the front thigh muscle due to futsal. The back muscle was set for recovery and now the front muscle is injured. Both on my right leg. The futsal game was rough as we played Selangor state players, and I was only playing for my bro's team, no where near my team! However so, I still had my training with Nicholas, my most formidable badminton partner so far. We trained doubles stuffs for a competition but we pulled out because there are just too many state players and sports school players plus the venue is in Klang. Training was fun and we will continue to improve the partnership as there'll be other competitions available before he flys off to Australia.
On another note, Jas and I are back on terms, only to know that she'll be flying off to Australia next year. I do not know how to describe my feelings but I'm looking at the positive side of things. We're doing the best for each another, I'm not trying to think too much. Hopefully things will work out smoothly and in no time, I will join her there. I'm only worried for her. Worried about her safety, friends, the people, the society, accomodation, laundry, food and so much more but I know she can cope with it, she's independant when needed to =) I feel as though as I'm treating her like my daughter =p
I should just appreciate time, don't worry and be happy =)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
As Busy As A B
Home, dinner and while i was dozing at the sofa, Melissa called, asking me to join them for yum cha session. I wanted too but it was already 9.30pm. Fearing rejection, i asked my parents. Miraculously, they allowed me to , probably it was due to my bro's UPSR results so they were in the mood. So off I went! Once I reached the so-called Old KFC building, I went find them on the fifth floor where the badminton courts are situated. Feeling reluctant but very dissatisfied with my previous badminton session, i put on my FUTSAL shoes (LOL) as I've no intention of playing or whatsoever (so I left my badminton shoes at home), took two racquets from my car and see me fly! My partnership with Nicholas was just undeniably great, perfect understanding and fun. We can get the job done and yet enjoy a whole lot out of it. Too bad Wirhan's partner (Mr Cool) wasn't around, if not we would have challenged them since the both of them are Monash's No 1 doubles. Sad to say, Wirhan is getting his ass back to Indon for 4 months so by the time he's back, Nicholas will be off to Australia. No fate, no determination of the better pair. =(
We had so much fun , maybe cuz of my presence(LOL). Atmosphere is different and it's surely different without the power house, ME! =p Nic and I shouted, yelled more than we play. LOL. I ended the day with a yum cha session. I got to know that Melissa, despite her tall and tough stature, IS AFRAID OF COCKROACHES!! LOL! She was yelling her way back to the car accompanied by millions of cockroaches by the roadside!
As I was awaken by my hp alarm, I knew that Friday would be yet another busy day for me, working as a DRIVER! It was my bro(Eugene)'s 16th Bday so he decided to celebrate it in Mid Valley. Kingston followed too as he will be having a 5 day break from his SPM, searching for his coat for prom. Fetched both and their friends. I wasn't used to bathing so early but that's the only way to keep myself awake. Once we were there, off they went by themselves, ditching me alone. All they said were, " Bro we go walk ourselves la, you go on your own la". But for the badminton gang, I would have been alone for the entire 7 hours in Midvalley. =)
Walked, walked and walked. Managed to get my badminton student a present though after deciding what to get for her since she's only 15 and a little boyish. Ate at Kim Gary. Wasn't pleasant because the food is so hot(panas) even 30 mins after being served to me !! -_-
Went home at 5pm, fetched some of Eugene's friends home, went collect my mom's spectacles and checked my eye too. Bad news! I'm having asthmatism(if it's spelled like that). Worse among my siblings. 50 and 75. In short I will need to put on my specs when I'm using the PC and while I'm driving at night! SAD!! Went mamak, The Store to get PC stuff and then finally home. Dinner, Tv and cake!
So much for the day! Now I'm off to try out Red Alert 3! =)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
(tired and sad) with a smile =)
Despite his auntiness, his sense of fashion and taste is admirable, just like me! =p
On another note there's another friend that I really have to mention. Yeah, u don't have to look else where or wonder whose that. It's U! STALKER!! THIS WOMAN (Fiona) didn't want to join us due to her PROJECT, and then wanted to join cuz she wants to shop, and 3/4 hours before we are suppose to meet up, "Sorry la, you both go have some brotherly bonding moments la". Indirectly, it makes the both of us even gay-ier, as if we are not gay enough -_- !!
We had a common passion for football/futsal except that he's Man U and i'm Liverpool. By 5pm we're done, summing up to a total amount of 4.5hours of shopping including lunch! -__- By the way, as a fillial son, i managed not to forget to get my mom a shirt as well when we shopped. A way to *bodek* I guess. HAHA.
Got home, ball-ed a while, bathed and off to mid valley for a birthday gathering. I was so lost, didn't even know where the hell is Northpoint. Ate at some place across the Northpoint bridge called Ninja whatever. I took only a soft-shell crab california roll which cost me RM15! -_-
The reason why I'm sad was because all my friends are slowly leaving and now finally, the one who always brings us together will leave soon. If it's not for her (Suet Yi, our big sis), we all wouldn't have contacted each another so closely and so well bonded. She was and will always be the initiator, and for that I really respect and salute this big sis of OURS. Without her, some of us may have fallen apart, and we're all scattered around, not giving a damn about each another. After so many attempts of trying to join them for trips obviously organised by her, this last trip to cameron is a MUST GO for me before she leaves to the US next year. We will all miss her badly! The highlight and joke of the day was also by her, HAHA... read on...
After dinner we went over to Goh Yuan's place to cut Kit Meng and Park Leng's ice cream cake. As we were eating the ice cream cake, laughing and all, Ze Lek, Heng's gf was standing behind Goh Yuan eating her cake, but Yuan was unaware cuz he was sitting. There he went yakking and yakking his way with his hyperactive hand gestures and all of a sudden, O!O!O!!!!Oh O! There was cream all over Ze Lek's lower neck area. The most hilarious thing said was by Suet Yi and it goes like, " HOR!!! HENG!! Goh Yuan go touch Ze Lek's BOOB AREA!! Faster go whack him", HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I really couldn't stop laughing, even now as I'm typing I'm laughing! HAHA!! And Heng was lying on the sofa watching Tv, didn't even bother! LOL.
That really made my day! I will try uploading some pictures next time.
The reason why there's still a smile on my face despite being tired and sad is that I'm happy with this gathering, where we are still intact. Although we seldom see a few of them from time to time, the bond is there and it will be there. Friends! are everywhere! Close friends! are anywhere! Good friends! are somewhere! and True friends! are dunno where! =p
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Pursuit of Happiness
My pursuit of Happiness is not lacking of so many hours of sleep due to EXAMS and it is certainly not having to consume/swallow raw garlic, down-ing it with glasses of water to get rid of that fragrance!! :/
Monday, October 20, 2008
R.B. Jordan
Saturday, October 18, 2008
There goes all my contacts cuz it's not saved in the sim card
There goes all my messages
There goes all the
/enthusiastic/friendly/lovely/meaningful/useless/important messages
Thursday, October 16, 2008
bad luck? tough luck?
- lost my monash car park ticket 2 days ago(fine RM20)
- Big problem with my cell phone, just a blank screen. Able to black out randomly anytime.If not, it will remain a white screen. Occasionally will be back to normal. -_-
- Went get Jas's car for her, wading through the rain. Sooner or later, flu.
- Home at 11pm today, slippery, almost slipped and fell. Stupid slippers!
- Home at 9pm yesterday
- Lack of sleep
- Had BKT again with some of the badminton gang and some other friend's friends
- Met Aaron(knew him thru Vann and Choo)
- He was sitting next to my table in the library for a couple of times
- He is wearing Quantum Science
- He is a Liverpool fan
- He is taking Consumer Behaviour during summer(Coincidently my application for that unit was approved today)
- In short, FATED but DAM GAY!!
- Lots of hassle to get my phone fixed. Haihzz.
- Problematic phone caused so much of worries from my family and Jas for not able to reach me when they needed to.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Summary of my unusual diet
- Forgetting my oat(yay)
- Mc D at 7am with bros, to study, as if!
- Fish Oil pills since 2 weeks ago
- Fried rice for lunch
- Chocolate-jammed bread for lunch
- Some salted fish whatever chicken rice for dinner
- Roti Bakar CHEESE with fries for supper
- Vege and Egg for supper
- Curry puff for supper
- Orange for supper-desert
- Choco-biscuit from France for another round of desert
OMG!!! I couldn't believe what I've just eaten today!
I guess I'm having the Pre-Exam Hormonal Stress Eating Disorder(PEHSED)
By the time exam ends, I think I'll be as round as a balloon. -_-
I need supplements badly. So much for my healthy diet for the past 3 months.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
How daring!! I left my ArmorTec Technique 900 on the bench just a few steps away from the court that i was training at. My coach and other mates were there, and they still manage to steal it?? In a matter of seconds I would say. I went to get my water nearby and when I'm back it's GONE! And the kids disappeared! It's as good as gone but we will see...
Those blardy nincompoop, ne'er-do-well, idiots,dumb asses,...useless jabronies mc assholes!!! TUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoever that is, take my knuckle sandwich with pleasure!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
On another note, TC Tang, my macroecons lecturer and tutor, pronounces
Sacrifice Ratio ,
Sorry, I couldn't control myself...
I've been laughing my arse off for the past two weeks of lecture!
5 teaspoons of Milo,
mixed, iced,
And there you go, Voila!! HOLO!
I rather drink MUD. LOL!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Anna's big day
From what I see from our sing K session, I conclude that these people, namely
- Anna(Japanese specialty)
- Vannessa(very very pro)
- Melissa(sammi all the way)
- Nicholas(he's the man)
I am very much intimidated altho it was only my second outing to sing K.
But it was fun! Let's hope everyone did! =)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
With 650 on hold(cuz my coach hasn't paid me),
I would still have to forge out another 50 for my car loan, for last month and this month.
Because... I simply have no $ to pay for last month's LOL
Why? Cuz last month I bought a racquet that cost me 450.
And I was already being lectured by ALEC!! -_-
ALEC: " U r buying something u dun even need. There will always be a new model of racquet. Don't make it a habit. People can go bankrupt. Haihz. By sighing u r releasing it slowly" HAHA.
I will remember it. Words of wisdom by someone who is independent, been there, done it.
But until then, I only have 200 for this month. How to survive?-_- u tell me...
It's so hard to shop for someone's bday present, given the fact that you don't really know what that person is fond of or what stuff he/she would never dream of having.
Well at least I know what colors that "orang =p" likes, cuz it's the same as mine. =p
But unfortunately, due to the time limit of 1 hour, I only got what seemed to be the best, although it was kinda a let-down cuz I couldn't get black for the designs that I liked.
I wouldn't categorise that 1 hour of shopping as impulsive but rather desperate. Haha. That's the only opportunity and time I have to get something for her.
Eventually getting the best that the whole of mid valley and gardens' could offer me in this short period of time, I was late for my coaching session! by 15 minutes!
It would be a double blow for me if the orang does not fancy it as I used up 1.5weeks of my allowance.
Money and material is not the issue, it's the heart that counts =p
I've done my best for someone whom I think is
worthwhile/worthful(?)/worthy/whatever :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
- Dream came true, havoc for 1 hour just to check and backtrack, realising that the figure was actually right
- Slept at 4am, the previous night 5am
- Uncertainties with balance sheet, havoc for another 1 hour in the morning
- Another submission due 11am, fortunately seeked helped from Jas to help me submit
- Acc assignment due 5pm but by 1pm I'm done, finally
- Entered into Monash Parking and NO PARKING??
- Scouted for 20 minutes before finally getting one, pay 2 bucks to waste 20 minutes of time and petrol!
- Left my pendrive at home when I needed it.
- Saviour for KC & Kai(acc), Jas(paying her parking ticket and delivering it to her in her lecture hall), fetched KC home. Damn gay!
- Bought DVDs to watch
- Watched Ironman finally =)
- OLYMPIQUE MARSEILLE 1 - 2 LIVERPOOL(Gerrard, Gerrard) 16/9/2008
- LIVERPOOL 2 - 1 CREWE (Agger, Lucas) 23/9/2008
- EVERTON 0 - 2 LIVERPOOL(Torres, Torres)
- LIVERPOOL 3 - 1 PSV(Gerrard, Keane, Kuyt)
- It was Gerrard's 100th goal and Keane's 1st goal for Liverpool
- Manchester City 2 - 3 LIVERPOOL ( Torres, Torres, Kuyt)
- LIVERPOOL are the comeback kings!
- Chaotic? not my favourite team at least =p
Sunday, October 5, 2008
My last meal was half a day ago!
I'm eating some very nice biscuits now
About to finish the whole jar! =S
It basically means by dinner I'll be too full.
Well, one of my dreams which i do not want it to come true, came half true.
My buddy's mom taught or rather tutor me in acc
And here I am struggling with an assignment due tomorrow
But she helped me all the way
In return, I've paid her almost 1000 for all the lessons throughout the week
Well I've gained and let's hope all the money won't be wasted down the drain
Anyway, back to the dream,
I was in a dilemma whether to trust her answers, or my own answers
"Trust her or trust yourself"??
I've not encountered this prob YET, so let's cross our fingers.
So it's half true.
Somethings that I see, a scenario or whatever will look familiar to me because it has appeared in my dreams. I dunno whats wrong with me... abnormal??
keep holding on
Cuz I know I'll make it through, make it through,
Just stay strong,
But there's no one here for me .
Just me, myself and my acc assignment!
Tak payah tidur!! -_-
But my eyes are no eagle eyes
Very heavy and tired! -_-
I need inspiration
I lack motivation
I want concentration
I do not have the confidence
To make it through
See myself through
All I can do is believe?
No such thing!
We must sacrifice something in return of those ripe fruits
And I have no choice but to sacrifice....
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Being a laughing stalk is a big sacrifice k? =p
On another note, that orang(omg that's so not me to call her that),
-super poked and scratched my lower rib. Suppose to tickle but ended up pain due to the orang's long nails
-super kicked me
-twisted my right wrist due to her unsuccessful judo stunt trying to flip me over
-pushing me into the women's toilet(worst yet to come)
-super crab vice-gripped the tendons of my shoulder/neck!
(damn pain/numb as though as the archery session wasn't numb-ing enough)
So much so for being the orang's girl chat buddy. -_-
Nonetheless, I like chatting with that orang, I feel so much younger! =p
As if I'd not enough of that orang, she even appeared in my dreams last night!
Only god knows what dream it was!
The old town hazelnut blend proved unsuccessful in keeping me awake.
Good morning! It's so contradicting, I heard the bells and honks of people getting married moments ago and now I'm listening to the trumpets and drum rolls of someone who passed away.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Then what the heck am I doing now?
What am I supposed to do?
Time = gold
If this so-called proverb is true,
Based on my actions/doings for the past hours,
Then Gold is WORTHLESS!
This shouldn't be happening at all!
I don't wanna be a procrastinator for life!
The current situation suggests that
I'm on my way to be one
I mean I'm already one
As a result I think I need punishments
To inspire myself! I need the fire within!
I'll write something to remind myself (x10)
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
Procrastination is the thief of time
I'm defeated! I give up! No effect whatsoever!
I better go sleep. LOL
wake up
And I'm still half awake.
9 months has gone so fast.
Sunshine, rain, storm
Been through it all.
Sometimes as i gaze upon
The heavy rain drops,
Sometimes as i feel
The breeze, and
The howling calls of the wind,
I felt that i could unleash,
Unlock and loosen myself.
Sometimes when the rain
Never seem to stop,
I really never wanted it to stop
Eventually the sun will be back
To put a smile on people's face
But sometimes I'd rather
The gloominess and darkness of the rain
Keep me away from the sun
Hide myself in the midst of the pour
Because no one
Will see what i see
Feel what i feel
Sense what i sense
From the rain.
As the rain slowly sudsides
As the rain drops get lesser
That's when time is up
I have to wake up
And face the reality.
When I saw you since a week ago, I really miss the rain.
I miss the happiness I found in the rain which only I will know
Monday, September 29, 2008
acc assignment
sigh, sigh, sigh
last assignment
sigh, sigh, sigh
tak tau buat
sigh, sigh, sigh
no one knows how
sigh, sigh, sigh
the only one who knows
sigh, sigh, sigh
charges me 100 per hour
so dam expensive
sigh, sigh, sigh
what can i do?
Why no training?
Why is my coach at China Masters?
And no one is there to replace him?
And why are we not informed?
What is this?
Ended up just playing matches
Highlight: beating Eugene(me 2nd bro)
18-21, 21-16, 25-23
I used to beat him, but after we started training approx 3-4 years ago, he has massive improvements, beating me, prob because he's younger(in denial, haha).
But now, I'm back!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
peace, calmness, serenity, tranquility
Thursday, September 25, 2008
*emo mode*
Have you ever felt that everything isn't fair for you?
Have you ever felt that tomorrow might not always be a better day?
Have you ever felt that you do not deserve this?
Have you ever felt that you have given everything and yet you do not get the results?
Have you ever felt that things always don't go your way?
Have you ever felt that your efforts are all wasted down the drain?
I'm feeling those right now. I have this feeling, always. Since secondary.
I hope it will not be for the rest of my life.
Why? Of all the people why me? What did I do to deserve this?
I put in so much of effort and time on my research and my results?
It's as though i don't even have to put in effort to get those marks!
I'm so tired, frustrated and disappointed.
It reminds me of PMR, working so hard and yet missed an A
It reminds me of CPE, being hardworking and so what? Almost pass.
Almost = Nothing
I'm so sick of all these happening to me!
The worst part is, you see people get to score effortlessly!
Why is the world so unfair?
You see people getting stupid assignments from seniors and make it theirs!
I did my research, I made my assumptions and argued based on it.
I have my stand.
But the suggested answer is very objective
I thought Law was supposed to be very subjective?
I feel that the world is against me. What can I do?
And yet i have to shove all these inside to put on a happy face to send off one of my good friend(Mel JC) to Ireland just now. When all my friends teared, my heart wanted to tear as well.
How could this happen to me?
*emo mode* for the entire day.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Summary of
10-11am Business Law tute
11-1pm Marketing lecture
2-3pm Macroeconomics tute
3-5pm Business Law lecture
Exceptionally very busy day!
Chased after Dr.Vanitha, my law tutor and lecturer
But she walks super ultra fast!
Sent her an email, hoping that I can get my assignment back by this week
Or else, after the holidays! I'll die of mental exhaustion by then!
Today was Kingston(my bro)'s bday
He got his present from me earlier this year, which was
RM200 subsidy for his new hp
It was supposed to be doubtful debt, but now, it's bad debt, meaning, unrecoverable!
Last Sat(3days ago) was my mom's bday.
Bought her some shirt cuz that's the only thing she will wear
Necklace, bracelet, she keeps it even if we bought it for her
Still waiting for money from bros cuz we shared it -_-
As a result of the present, all of us(her sons) got RM50 reload!
But i am still broke, and it's a week more before the next month!
Now, my mom is reading "The Economist" magazine, ALOUD!
What's her prob?
I can read it by myself, or rather she knows I'd be too lazy to read so,
She becomes our newscaster! LOL
Still a little sick and yet attended coaching session and working at the bad-shop until night
What a day! Another long day tomorrow!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Down with fever, flu, body ache, muscle ache, tiredness, fatigue and everything!!!
It's been a while since I had some major workout from these bacterias
White blood cells are regrouping, reinforced and ready to defend, or rather attack!
OMG I think these bacterias are eating up to my mind! SO LAME!
Wish me well!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
OMG, can't even bite vegetables! Why so suffering??
Liverpool 0 Stroke City 0
The match was exciting but lack of that special moment of magic from any Liverpool player, which causes this goalless draw. However, Alonso, my favourite player did really well in middle, controlling the pace of the game and he got forward on numerous occasions. Keane had his chances but sad to say, not taken. So much to say for this draw! I was one happy guy last saturday but come this saturday, not very happy. =(
Training for today was all about match play. I played two matches. One was with my junior, the other was a senior. Beat the junior 21-16, 21-10, lost 19-21, 18-21 but I was happy with my attitude towards the game, even my coach praised me for that. Fight and force till the very end! Showing emotions on court shows how badly you want to win the game but not to the extent where it could affect ur game, you can get carried away by the emotions and lose focus on the game. I was satisfied as I could execute my BOONSAK half smash pretty well! =)
On another note, my coach finally got to know about the photo incident at Kuen Cheng 2.
He was ok and he understands my situation and lack of knowledge of that matter. Rich parents are just sensitive and afraid that some fella will kidnap their children. I was wrong for taking pictures without their consents but who knows? Can't i just take a picture because the kids are cute? Why are they so sensitive and kids are really good at saying things, some which wasn't even said can be twisted and turned by them into some words which seems valid! What is this?
Anyhow I owe no explanations to noone but my coach and he was ok, so I'm ok. This affected my doubles game with some uncles, arranged by my coach. Just couldn't focus and made mistakes. My partner, my bro was complaining and lecturing me while playing. LOL. He thinks he's hell of a great deal, hahaha.
Coaching today was all about match play and footwork only. Nothing special.
Back to tutorials and stuff! iissh!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
finally 1 last orthodental appointment!!
Finally, after almost 5 years of metal pieces and rubber!
So glad it finally happened! He told me i can remove it since last year but he was reluctant cuz he was still not satisfied.
The distance between the upper and lower jaw teeth should be from 2 to 4 mm but mine is 5 mm. So a lil bit more of adjustments by wearing elastic rubber bands and im free! By December, I can officially smile with my mouth wide open to show the whole world my teeth! lol.
Btw, i'm now 71 kg! Haha. i was 74 a few weeks ago! wad happened to me?
Friday, September 19, 2008
All in a day's work!
-8am - 12pm continued to rush my essay
-rushed to monash to hand in
-rushed to sungai besi for coaching
-took a slow drive back to monash after filling up petrol
-badminton from 5 to 7
-BKT dinner which i'm not very fond of, just no appetite
-did not eat the whole day until dinner, only drank herbal drinks and coconut water
-Home, tired! exhausted!
-Bathed, finally, my bed!! =p
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Amazon's Deadliest!
The only facts I could recall from that 3 hours of productivity in front of the TV was
- Bull Sharks are the only shark that can swim in salt and fresh water. Other sharks's cell will burst within hours if they are swimming in fresh waters.
- Green Anaconda is Amazon's Deadliest Animal! No venom but jaws can open up to 180 degress!! Able to swallow a crocodile! wad more human!
- That's all i could remember! ahaha
Struggle struggle, and yet, still beating around the bush, when will all these change?
How to regain focus?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
We(bros and i) had mamak for breakfast with my coach before going back home just to fetch my youngest lazy bro.
Started off with 10 laps of jogging after some light warm up. 10 laps as in the length of 5 badminton courts!
Then right after, we had multi shuttle, 50 shuttles at one go, 4 times
OMG by the second time I was already mental down, seeing blue..lol
Followed by some light skills, spin netting both forehand and backhand side
Then match play 5 points rotation, winner stay.
As for coaching, my programme for the kids were
- forehand and backhand lob
- forehand and backhand net
- combination of forehand net, forehand lob
- combination of backhand net, backhand lob
- match play wid me
After coaching, partnered me bro and thrashed the best UNCLEs in doubles..lol
Was dam tired and had an evening nap =p
Highlight of the day:
Both my parents were arguing over how to use excel, and i was the victim to correct them, as if I know excel that well. Both of them ended up complaining how stupid the 2007 excel is and my mom was laughing at my dad cuz he dun even knows how to save a file....
work work!! lots of work!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
WE WON!!!!!
Man U couldn't even nullify the threats coming from the left wing of Liverpool. Riera is truly a rare breed! This number 11 is really good, and to be able to display such a performance on his debut, it's marvellous! He had a greater debut impact than Robbie Keane i must admit! Roaming and Bombarding down the left flank, beating defenders and getting crosses into the box, that's how Liverpool should be playing!! But credit to the entire team for the relentless attack and possession, which won us this deserving match!
Reina did well to save a superb volley by Scholes but the Tevez goal was just inevitable. No keeper could have saved that in fact. Reina did well defending corners, rushing out to punch the ball clear, so typical of him. Haha. Carra and Skrtel clicked really well in defence, both had chances to roam forward as well. Skrtel even tested Van der Sar for heaven sake! LOL.
Kuyt and Masc were real workaholics, not forgetting Benayoun. Alonso did well to hold the ball and control the defense, prompting every attack from midfield. Keane was okay, had his chances. Imagine if Torres came on! We would be banging in goals for fun! We deserved prolly a 3-1 scoreline but regardless, the win is the most important!
On the other note, Aurelio was a little nervy but come the second half, he was on fire! The entire Liverpool attack came from the left, with him and Riera. It was the same even after Babel replaced Riera! Babel was the Super Sub! Great cool blast slotting the ball into the net, sending the whole Anfield crowd and the Asia Cafe crowd crazy! AC's roof was about to burst!!ahaha we shouted out lungs out and the amount of Liverpool fans were phenomenal. So much of fun we had. All brought together with the passion for football and Liverpool. We were so random! High Five-ing and hugging Liverpool fans and friends! not that we really know them, but our passion brought ppl from all walks of life together!
I really had this great experience!
Friday, September 12, 2008
= tired = fatigue
= mental down = cannot think
= malfunction = weak = heavy eyes
= lazy = sleepy = trying not to get sleepy
= coffee / tea = no effect = sleepy = lazy
= procrastinate = doing irrelevant stuff
= not focusing on assignments
= no sleep tonight!
= no energy the next day
= weaker
= frail
= fragile
= will be broken
= bodoh lah!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
OMG! centiiiipede!!
It's legs flew off into pieces!!
While it was still alive!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Kevin Goh! =)
Ain't he cute? wanna guess how old is he? We went to guardian to buy his Listerine and while he was paying, i asked the cashier to guess how old are we. Guess wad? i'm 25 and he's 24! WTH??
Hahaha..was really funny...
But seriously, he played a part in shaping my life. He is an important figure, be it my mentor or more like a bro to me. I really do appreciate him and his efforts. Thank you!!
He was there when i needed someone and he was the one who really understands me, understands what am i going through and my feelings. He feels what i feels. He counselled and asked me so many blur questions and repeating it, twisting it, turning it, until i was blur. ahha. But it made me think alot in overcoming my problems, difficulties and my heartaches.
Thank u for spending ur time with me trying to help me. I'm his protege mah! =p although i'm rated as a 17/20 in terms of ESL by him, since he was my ESL teacher.
Thank U cher!
U r more than a friend and teacher to me.
p/s he is 28/29 while i'm only 19 k??
Last week in review... =(
was being accused of kidnapping, i was like wth. cuz i took pics of some of my cute students and ended up they went home and told their parents, filing a complain against me. Children are not that nice nowadays.
almost got into an accident with an indian, really rough and scary guy. He confronted me. I didn't know wad i did wrongly, i drove very carefully but.... scare the hell out of me as we were rushing for class. However shabu shabu that night with MBBG was fun.
Thurs- marketing mid term assessment, 15 / 25, only a credit of 60%, then comes judgement day
one day after judgement day, but really have to thank anna and vann for being there for me =) and listening to all my stuffs
Uncomfortable with our mutual friends as i was attending my friend's farewell party. she's leaving to Ireland
hope to have a better week after this!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Twas really a busy day accompanied by a sleepless night yesterday due to my cough. Not that i'm taking any initiatives to let it heal faster, instead i aggravated it even worst by drinking cold drinks =(
Against my will i woke up at approx 7.15am, after those countless alarms my bro purposely played right beside my ears just to buzz me awake. As i've badminton training on sundays, today was no exception, just that it was purely physical. Meaning no racquets required. How sad! Drove to my coach's house and we all left at 8. Reached Majlis Sukan Negara(MSN) a few mins later and we went scouting for one of my junior who waited at the wrong gate. Haha. We were all at the track and field gate while he was at the football stadium gate, it's normal, malaysian signboards are misleading! We called him and asked his whereabouts and he only answered, " woah! alot of ppl" cuz he was at the football stadium. We laughed a while before the serious training started!
OMG! 4 laps of sprinting, 400metres
1st attempt, target = below 1 min 35 seconds
I ran my lungs out for good! and i managed to clock at 1 min 23 seconds. Not bad, but my legs are aching and muscles are getting heavy and stiff after the first attempt. Even my hands are tired after trying to swing it too much while accelerating. 10 mins of rest.
2nd attempt, target = below 1 min 25 seconds!, distance = same
Once i began to run i couldn't really force anymore cuz my lungs felt like it's gonna burst! Clocked time = 1 min 36 seconds, disappointed =( and began to see stars...
3rd attempt, target = below 1 min 35 sec, same distance
If i fail to finish below the targeted time, another lap of sprinting! Wanna guess my clocked time?
1 min 45 seconds! GONE! but my coach felt that i really had push myself beyond my limit so he excused the 4th and additional lap! Luckily for his decision, for i was gasping for oxygen like crazy, felt like vomiting, muscles already stiff and butt cramp! LOL. Lucky me! One of my training mate even vomited his gaster juice! ew!
We headed for bfast, got my pay and went home. Lunch at some Crown Princess Hotel, kinda run down but your head can really spin cuz i had to drive up to the 9th floor for parking! and we were lost a couple of times thanks to my mom. Women really have bad direction senses =p
We dropped by at grandma's place before heading home.
Dinner tonight was cooked by mom. Horrible. Her ingredients for her mee was garlic, garlic and even more garlic! And her ABC soup was tasteless! YET she was so proud when she said "I didn't add any salt into the soup you know?"LOL. Not a satisfying dinner though.
So much for now as i've lots to do, marketing tutorial submission, law and accounts tutorial work! I'm so dead!
Signing off!
(2nd day)
The first drop of Ink
As the tides rises, it can be high, it could have been low either.
When something goes up, remember,
Something on the other hand will go down.
What comes around, goes around.
If there isn't an existence of you,
Where will i be?
Who will be the man whom i look into the mirror everyday?
Earth is made up of many things,
Just like a puzzle.
My life is just nothing but a puzzle.
Are you the puzzle to my life?
Are you the one who will complete me?
Are you the final piece of the puzzle?
The puzzles of my life
Are made out of love,
Consisting of flavours in life
Am i neglecting the sweetness of love,
Or am i cherishing the bitterness of love?
So i try to hold onto a time when nothing really matters
But is time fading upon me?
Hanging by a thread,
Do i start this all over again?
Do i try to let things go?
Or do i just believe?
I'm not a perfect person,
I never meant to hurt you,
Never meant to lose hope and faith.
But there are adversities upon one's road,
Which one will have to overcome and face.
This road is a part of life which one will have to
Walk alone, facing fears and taking fortitude
To complete the journey, which
Is all about choices and decisions.
By then when it's all said and done,
That's when the emptiness in you
Turns into a purposeful meaning to you.
That will be the time where you will attain
The courage and responsibility,
To truly love someone, unconditionally,
Without fearing you might hurt them
For you've learnt to fly by yourself
As you'll be stronger with each failed attempt,
You'll love confidently.
But at the end of it all,
You will realise that
Going through all the hardship alone,
You not only complete the puzzles of your life,
You complete people's puzzle of life too,
For they are only waiting for their final piece,
Which is you.